[Club2] Mo. 26.02. 14:00

Norbert Schirmer schirmer at informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Thu Feb 22 11:21:54 CET 2007

Am Montag, 26.02. 14:00 im Raum Alen Turing (00.09.055):

Martin Klebermaß:

Title:An Isabelle Formalization of the Universe Type System

The Universe Type System  allows to structure the heap memory into  
containing only the object itself, and all the objects directly or  
indirectly owned by the object.
Beside this it limits write access to objects that are in the same  
universe or elements that are owned
by the object.
Those limitations makes it possible to guarantee the owner-as- 
modifier-property for such annotated programs.

The goal of the diploma thesis is to formalize the type system with a  
syntax based on featherweight java in Isabelle.
The presentation will show the Universe Type System and what can be  
done with it as well as parts of the formalization.
Beside this the current status of the diploma thesis will be  
described, and what has to be done.


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