[Club2] Isabelle/Scala and Isabelle/jEdit

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Thu Feb 4 17:57:53 CET 2010

There will be a Club2 session on Isabelle/Scala and Isabelle/jEdit 
tomorrow, Friday 05-Feb-2010 14:00 in Room 00.11.038 ("John v. Neumann")

Some background information:

   * Isabelle/Scala is the emerging platform for all aspects of "system
     programming" for Isabelle (in the past it used to be bash + perl + diy).
     The idea is to provide a solid basis for editors, web applications
     etc. with Isabelle as backend.

   * Isabelle/jEdit is some kind of demo application based on
     the Isabelle/Scala layer.  The idea is to instrument the (very
     powerful) text editor jEdit to support a notion of "asynchronous proof
     document".  Think of a light-weight "prover IDE", not 16 tons of
     Eclipse smashing your desktop.

After quite some years of talking, planning, conceptualizing etc. the 
present implementation should survive a demo of 1-2 hours, i.e. it is fit 
for a Club2 session at the least.


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