[Club2] Nominal2

Christian Urban urbanc at in.tum.de
Thu May 27 09:30:05 CEST 2010

The talk tomorrow will be in Alonzo Church.


Christian Urban writes:
 > Dear All,
 > Next Friday (28th) at 11 o'clock, I will give a talk 
 > about Cezary and my current work on Nominal2. This will 
 > be in place of the weekly meeting. 
 > Best wishes,
 > Christian
 > Abstract:
 > Cezary and I have been busy extending the existing
 > Nominal package. The main improvement is that we can
 > now deal with general binding structures. In the talk 
 > I will first say something about how we changed
 > the implementation of the underlying nominal theory
 > and then how we used the quotient package for 
 > representing terms involving general binders.  
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