[Club2] Wed. Jun 1, 14:00: Jasmin Blanchette: "Nitpicking C++ Concurrency"

Alexander Krauss krauss at in.tum.de
Thu May 26 19:53:35 CEST 2011

Dear all,

next week, Jasmin will give a rehearsal of his PPDP 2011 talk on a major 
case study with Nitpick:

Nitpicking C++ Concurrency
Wed. Jun 1, 14:00, MI 01.11.018 ("Konrad Zuse")

(joint work with Tjark Weber, Mark Batty, Scott Owens, and Susmit Sarkar)
PPDP 2011

Previous work formalized the C++ memory model in Isabelle/HOL in an 
effort to
clarify the proposed standard's semantics. Here we employ the model finder
Nitpick to check litmus test programs that exercise the memory model, 
a simple locking algorithm. We only need to give it a few hints, and 
thanks to
the underlying SAT solver it scales much better than the Cppmem 
model checker. This case study inspired optimizations in Nitpick from which
other formalizations can now benefit.

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