[Club2] Reminder and room change: talk by Florian Haftmann in 10 minutes, room: von Neuman

Andrei Popescu uuomul at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 3 13:47:18 CEST 2013

--- On Mon, 3/25/13, Andrei Popescu <uuomul at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Andrei Popescu <uuomul at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Club2] talk by Florian Haftmann, Wed. April 3, Tarski
To: "club2" <club2 at mailbroy.informatik.tu-muenchen.de>
Date: Monday, March 25, 2013, 2:01 PM

Dear All,  
Next week, Florian will visit us and talk about his recent work on Isabelle's big operators.  
Best regards,   Andrei 
Florian HaftmannWork on big operators======================================================Wed. April. 3, 14:00, Room 01.09.011 ("Alfred Tarski") 
»Big Operators« are a certain class of operators which lift a binaryoperator to (finite) (multi-)sets. We explain the rationale behindrecent renovation in Isabelle/HOL which aims to make definition andapplication of Big Operators more handsome and less cryptic. A key roleis taken by the Isabelle module system, particularly sublocaleinterpretation with mixin equations.
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