[Club2] talk by Andrei Popesco: Monday, Sept. 2, 14:00, Room Turing (00.09.38)

Andrei Popescu uuomul at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 31 13:07:47 CEST 2013

Dear All,  

This Monday I'll have a rehearsal for my CALCO 2013 talk on language-based 
probabilistic noninterference.  



Noninterfering Schedulers: When Possibilistic Noninterference 
Implies Probabilistic Noninterference
Andrei Popesco^[*] 
joint work with Johannes Hölzl and Tobias Nipkow
Monday, Sept. 2, 14:00, Room Turing (00.09.38)

We develop a framework for expressing and analyzing the behavior of
probabilistic schedulers. There, we define noninterfering schedulers by a 
probabilistic interpretation of Goguen and Meseguer’s seminal notion of 
noninterference. Noninterfering schedulers are proved to be safe in the following sense: 
if a multi-threaded program is possibilistically noninterfering, then it is also 
probabilistically noninterfering when run under this scheduler.

[*] As a means to apologize to people whose names/roles/types-of-talks I 
have misspelled/described-wrongly "over the years" of announcements, 
I have decided to also misspell my own name. :-)
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