[Club2] Reminder: talk by Jasmin Blanchette this Wednesday, June 5, 14:00, in Turing

Andrei Popescu uuomul at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 4 15:23:17 CEST 2013

Regards,    Andrei 

--- On Sun, 5/26/13, Andrei Popescu <uuomul at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Andrei Popescu <uuomul at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Club2] Correction: talk by Jasmin Blanchette is on June 5, 14:00, in Turing
To: "club2" <club2 at mailbroy.informatik.tu-muenchen.de>
Date: Sunday, May 26, 2013, 5:22 PM

The previous message contained a wrong date in the subject: should be June 5, not June 15.  
Regards,    Andrei 

--- On Fri, 5/24/13, Andrei Popescu <uuomul at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Andrei Popescu <uuomul at yahoo.com>
Subject: talk by Jasmin Blanchette, June 5, 14:00, Turing
To: "club2" <club2 at mailbroy.informatik.tu-muenchen.de>
Date: Friday, May 24, 2013, 1:37 PM

Dear All,  
Jasmin will give another
 talk on June 5 on his and Andrei Paskevich's TFF1, a syntax format for polymorphic problems aimed at automatic theorem provers.  (Notice that Jasmin and Steffen Smolka also have earlier talks, on May 29.)
Best regards,   Andrei 
TFF1: The TPTP Typed First-Order Form with Rank-1 PolymorphismJasmin
 Blanchette (joint work with Andrei Paskevich)====================================================Wed. June 5, 14:00, MI 00.09.055 ("Alan Turing")
The TPTP World is a well-established infrastructure for automatic theoremprovers. It defines several concrete syntaxes, notably an untyped first-orderform (FOF) and a typed first-order form (TFF0), that have become de factostandards. This paper introduces the TFF1 format, an extension of TFF0 withrank-1
 polymorphism. The format is designed to be easy to process by existingreasoning tools that support ML-style polymorphism. It opens the door to usefulmiddleware, such as monomorphizers and other translation tools that encodepolymorphism in FOF or TFF0. Ultimately, the hope is that TFF1 will beimplemented in popular automatic theorem provers.
Warning from Jasmin: 
This is a rehearsal for a CADE talk. This is my second talk at the TUM onthis topic, and there is not much new since last time (except a differentset of slides), so I will not be disappointed if few people show up.
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