[Club2] Aktualisierte Einladung: Isabelle/VSCode: Editor Improvements and Prover IDE integ... - Mi 25. Aug. 2021 14:00 - 14:30 (MESZ) (club2 at mailbroy.informatik.tu-muenchen.de)

piller at in.tum.de piller at in.tum.de
Mon Aug 16 07:30:30 CEST 2021

Dieser Termin wurde geändert.

Titel: Isabelle/VSCode: Editor Improvements and Prover IDE integrations
Speaker: Denis PalucaType: Bachelor's Thesis  
Presentation Abstract: In the past few years, Visual Studio Code  
has risen tremendously inpopularity. Therefore, many development tools and  
programming languages seek toprovide extensions for it. For  
 theinteractive theorem prover Isabelle, an extension has already been  
introduced.But, this extension is still not on par with Isabelle/jEdit, the  
default choicefor users when it comes to working with Isabelle. This is due  
to issues withmathematical symbols, input methods, and partially missing  
markup. In thisthesis, we improved Isabelle/VSCode by reworking it to mend  
the above-mentionedissues. To do this, we implemented a new file system for  
the extension, addedsupport for abbreviations and auto-completion, and  
added syntax highlightingfor panels. Evaluation of the extension before and  
after the changes shows clearlythat performance has been improved. Now,  
users do not have to wait 20 seconds everytimethey open a new theory file.  
Based on this, the extension has been brought closerto being a valid  
alternative to Isabelle/jEdit. (geändert)
Wann: Mi 25. Aug. 2021 14:00 – 14:30 Mitteleuropäische Zeit - Berlin
Wo: https://tinyurl.com/ls21coffee
Kalender: club2 at mailbroy.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
     * piller at in.tum.de- Veranstalter
     * makarius at sketis.net
     * club2 at mailbroy.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
     * ge37dem at mytum.de
     * rs2040 at york.ac.uk
     * nime81 at gmail.com


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