[Club2] Aktualisierte Einladung: A Verified Imperative Implementation of B-Trees - Mi 3. Mär. 2021 03:00 - 03:30 (MEZ) (club2 at mailbroy.informatik.tu-muenchen.de)

piller at in.tum.de piller at in.tum.de
Mon Feb 22 07:07:24 CET 2021

Dieser Termin wurde geändert.

Titel: A Verified Imperative Implementation of B-Trees
Speaker: Nils Mündler

Type: Bachelor's Thesis Presentation

Abstract: In this thesis, we use the interactive theorem prover       
Isabelle/HOL to verify an imperative implementation of the classical  
B-tree      data structure.The implementation supports set membership and  
insertion queries with efficient binary search for intra-node navigation.  
This is accomplished by first specifying the structure abstractly in the  
functional modeling language HOL and proving functional      correctness.  
Using manual refinement, we derive an imperative implementation in  
Imperative/HOL. We show the validity of this refinement using the  
separation logic utilities from the Isabelle Refinement Framework.The code  
can be exported to the programming languages SML and      Scala. We examine  
the runtime of all operations indirectly by reproducing      results of the  
logarithmic relationship between height and the number of      nodes.  
Considering development time and lines of code, our approach compares well  
to other approaches at mechanized verifications of the B-tree data  
structure. (geändert)
Wann: Mi 3. Mär. 2021 03:00 – 03:30 Mitteleuropäische Zeit - Berlin
Wo: https://tinyurl.com/ls21coffee
Kalender: club2 at mailbroy.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
     * piller at in.tum.de- Veranstalter
     * club2 at mailbroy.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
     * n.muendler at posteo.net


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