[isabelle-dev] Parse.term
Walther Neuper
wneuper at ist.tugraz.at
Wed Aug 11 16:13:31 CEST 2010
following Stefan Berghofers presentation at the Isabelle Developer
Workshop I find Parse.term behaving not as expected:
text {* should not Parse.term repeat until a non-term token is reached ? *}
ML {*
parse Parse.term "xxx +++ 111 end";
(*val it =
[Token (("+++", ({}, {})), (SymIdent, "+++"), Slot), Token (("111", ({}, {})), (Nat, "111"), Slot),
Token (("end", ({}, {})), (Command, "end"), Slot)])
: string * Token.T list*)
parse (Scan.repeat Parse.term) "xxx +++ 111 end";
(*val it =
(["\^E\^Ftoken\^Exxx\^E\^F\^E", "\^E\^Ftoken\^E+++\^E\^F\^E", "\^E\^Ftoken\^E111\^E\^F\^E"],
[Token (("end", ({}, {})), (Command, "end"), Slot)])
: string list * Token.T list*)
text {* Parse.term stops at "Keyword" of outer syntax ?!?
Should not be parsed according to inner syntax ? *}
ML {*
parse Parse.term "xxx + 111 end";
(*val it =
[Token (("+", ({}, {})), (Keyword, "+"), Slot), Token (("111", ({}, {})), (Nat, "111"), Slot),
Token (("end", ({}, {})), (Command, "end"), Slot)])
: string * Token.T list*)
parse Parse.term "xxx +++ (111) end";
(*val it =
[Token (("+++", ({}, {})), (SymIdent, "+++"), Slot), Token (("(", ({}, {})), (Keyword, "("), Slot),
Token (("111", ({}, {})), (Nat, "111"), Slot), Token ((")", ({}, {})), (Keyword, ")"), Slot),
Token (("end", ({}, {})), (Command, "end"), Slot)])
: string * Token.T list*)
What am I doing wrong ?
With kind regards,
PS: In the attached file I searched for where the inner syntax could
come into Parse.term --- so far without success.
Walther Neuper Mailto: neuper at ist.tugraz.at
Institute for Software Technology Tel: +43-(0)316/873-5728
University of Technology Fax: +43-(0)316/873-5706
Graz, Austria Home: www.ist.tugraz.at/neuper
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