[isabelle-dev] Testboard

Jasmin Christian Blanchette jasmin.blanchette at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 12:42:30 CEST 2013

Am 27.09.2013 um 12:29 schrieb Peter Lammich <lammich at in.tum.de>:

> So here is my question:
>  If I have some changeset, and want to check whether it breaks AFP
> before pushing it to the isabelle repository, how do I do it? Can I use
> Testboard?

I don't know if you're using queues, but what I typically do in such (rare) cases is to qpop all, then pull and update, then qpush back to where I was, and then push the resulting "new" patch to Testboard again. This gives you a second shot and if you're lucky, it will get tested thoroughly.


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