[isabelle-dev] NEWS: 'subgoal' command

Daniel Matichuk daniel.matichuk at nicta.com.au
Mon Jul 6 07:44:01 CEST 2015

> On 3 Jul 2015, at 3:54 pm, Lars Noschinski <noschinl at in.tum.de> wrote:
> On 03.07.2015 04:02, Daniel Matichuk wrote:
>> Additionally, fresh names are chosen for any free variables that appear in the subgoal
>> e.g.
>> lemma "⋀x y. A x y"
>>  subgoal for A
>> Results in "x" being named "Aa". In this case I would expect either an error ("Free name clash") or for the new fixed term to shadow the free A.
>> The second choice is a bit strange, however, because you end up with two different coloured "A"s in the goal.
> I would expect unspecified variables to get internal names, i.e. names
> ending with "_"; similar to variables not specified in a case command.

That's exactly what happens, here the goal parameter "y" becomes the fixed term "y_" which can't be accessed.

The problem here is that I specified that I would like the goal parameter "x" to be fixed and named "A", which clashes with the already-free A in my goal.
Normally this is a non-issue, if you were writing a "have" and had fixed some "A" then it's impossible to refer to one from the original goal. The problem
here is that because you are generating a subgoal out of an existing one while simultaneously providing names for goal parameters, there is an opportunity
to create a clash.

The most permissive behaviour is to fix a new term which shadows "A" (and is formally named Aa__ internally). The goal then has two As in it, a skolem (orange) A
and the original (blue) A. This could possibly emit a warning, but is logically fine.

Basically I expect any goal parameter that I have fixed to be given the exact name that I specify, regardless of other global effects.

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