[isabelle-dev] Jenkins maintenance window

Lars Hupel hupel at in.tum.de
Mon Feb 15 09:32:49 CET 2016

Dear Isabelle developers,

tonight between 20:00 UTC and 22:00 UTC there will be a maintenance
window for the Jenkins instance.

No new build will be scheduled after 14:00 UTC. This ensures that
nothing is running during the window.

You can still push to testboard, but nothing will happen. I kindly ask
to refrain from pushing to the official repositories until after 22:00 UTC.

During the window I hope to be able to make changes which makes it less
likely that I have to take the system offline to make changes in the future.

It might become necessary for me to send test mails to the newly
established [isabelle-ci] mailing list. I apologize in advance for the


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