[isabelle-dev] Jenkins maintenance

Lars Hupel hupel at in.tum.de
Sat Sep 24 16:55:09 CEST 2016

>   - This means that we're getting close to be able to run concurrent
> jobs. Currently, some pushes don't get built: when a job is already
> running and more than one push happens in the meantime (only the last
> push is built). Soon, all pushes will get built. I will enable this for
> the AFP repository at some point and will monitor how much this
> increases overall load.

"testboard" and "afp_testboard" jobs can now run concurrently – these
two jobs are much more important in that regard. That means that every
single* push should get picked up for building. I will monitor the
Jenkins load to see if we can enable this for "isabelle-repo" and

Note that worker allocation is "first come first serve". We currently
have bandwidth for two AFP and two distribution builds at the same time,
each taking approx. 80-90 minutes; everything else gets queued. Please
push responsibly.

More tweaks:

- Build timing statistics are automatically published here:

- The status page has been tweaked per suggestion of Ondřej: just one
button which leads to an overview including console output and list of

- Console output now always shows full output. No additional clicks
needed for AFP build log.


* unless two pushes happen within three minutes, then the first one gets

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