[isabelle-dev] Towards Poly/ML 5.8

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Sat Feb 23 16:06:14 CET 2019

On 23/02/2019 11:45, Lars Hupel wrote:
>> After a lot of refinements by David Matthews we are moving towards the
>> new Poly/ML 5.8 release. Isabelle/8c587dd44f51 already bundles a Poly/ML
>> version of that number, without being official yet. The Isabelle NEWS
>> already talk about an official release:
> Is it intentional that the system identifier is still 5.7.1?
>   ML_SYSTEM=polyml-5.7.1
> This also raises the question if that variable has any remaining uses.

In 8c587dd44f51, I made some changes on two machines, but did not copy
everything to the target, thus the etc/settings of the component is
lagging behind.

Right now ML_SYSTEM happens to have no meaning apart from some comment
about the approximative version being used. Over the years it was
sometimes used in conditional compilation and may get used like that at
some point.

Even ML_OPTIONS is less important these days that some years ago,
because Isabelle/Scala provides most of the environment to the poly process.

I did not change anything here, because build_history and the
build_status database record the Poly/ML settings over many years, and I
did not want to break the persistent data model just to be fully
up-to-date at the "tip" version.


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