[isabelle-dev] Isabelle 374caac3d624: Directory handling on Cygwin

Makarius makarius at sketis.net
Mon Sep 16 21:00:15 CEST 2019

On 16/09/2019 15:40, Alexander Krauss wrote:
> I just updated from Isabelle af25255bda02 (two months ago) to current
> 374caac3d624, and I am experiencing issues in jedit which appear related
> to the recent changes in directory and session handling. (I can try to
> bisect the exact changeset if necessary).
> Some symptoms:
> * The editor seems to have the wrong notion of the location of a file
> (The buffer selector shows a path of
> "I:\cygdrive\i\repos\tyset\Isabelle_Set" which is clearly wrong and
> should be either "I:\repos\tyset\Isabelle_Set" in Windows convention or
> "/cygdrive/i/repos/tyset/Isabelle_Set" in Cygwin convention). This
> results in empty buffers for these paths, although I can open the actual
> files.

This needs further work on my side. I am presently in the process to
throw out accumulated features. Afterwards it should be sufficiently
clear to make it work easily on Windows again.


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